Play This Talk: Deck runs off Canva. Wireless mic, stage space of at least 10' x 20', access to event space before audience arrives.
Pentathlon: Greenspace with sidewalk or pavement nearby (comparable to space one would need for lawn games such as cornhole or Giant Jenga).
Play This Talk: Myles Nye is the Head Honcho of Wise Guys Events, purveyors of intelligent fun. Myles is an entrepreneur, a puzzle designer, and a contributor of challenges to Survivor on CBS. He lives in Berkeley with his family and plays games for his work and for pleasure.
Pentathlon: Please welcome the game master from Wise Guys Events. Their specialty is intelligent fun, and today you'll be playing a special event that will test your wit, and your grit, and if you're physically fit, and that isn't a load of ... hooey!