TECHNICAL DIRECTOR - The Presenter must designate a Technical Director with decision-making authority to be present, responsible to, and accessible for consultation with the performers at all crew calls. The show is not technically complicated, and one person can serve as Technical Director, Sound Board Operator, Video Operator and Lights Operator.
SOUND BOARD Operator - Sound board must be present for a pre-show run-through/tech rehearsal approximately 1 hour prior to the actual show and sound check to maintain the wireless mics.
SOUND EQUIPMENT – Wireless microphones should be provided for all performers (4). Sound is to be relayed over loudspeakers for the in-person audience, and sound is also to be relayed to a live feed for the virtual audience.
CAMERA AND SCREEN EQUIPMENT - A camera should be provided; it is to be placed above the game table so that gameplay can be projected to a large screen for the in-person audience and for gameplay to be relayed over a live feed to the virtual audience. Additionally, a screen is to be provided for live gameplay to be projected for the in-person audience.
EXTRA PERFORMANCE MATERIALS - Supplementary dice and dice trays are requested of the student liaison working with ARTIST, if available. At least one extra set of seven (7) dice is to be provided: one 20-sided die, one 12-sided die, one 10-side die, one 8-sided die, one 6-sided die, and one 4-sided die.